The Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) Explained
Get a pilot's explanation of the Airbus Flight Augmentation Computer (or FAC). Learn what the FAC is what it does, and what role it plays on Airbus aircraft.
Get a pilot's explanation of the Airbus Flight Augmentation Computer (or FAC). Learn what the FAC is what it does, and what role it plays on Airbus aircraft.
Learn about Airbus Alpha Floor Protection - written by an Airbus pilot. Learn what Alpha Floor does, why it is triggered and its relation to TOGA LK.
Learn how the Airbus A320 hydraulic system works, how each hydraulic system is arranged and what is does on the Airbus A320 from an Airbus Pilot.
A guide to the Airbus A320 Ram Air Turbine (RAT). Learn how this lifesaving piece of equipment works on Airbus A320 aircraft and how the RAT is used by pilots.
A pilot's guide to commercial aircraft hydraulic systems. How hydraulic systems are used on modern aircraft, their components and how hydraulics work.
Learn all the Airbus A330 hydraulic system from the point of view of one of its pilots.Learn how the hydraulics work on the A330 and its multiple backup systems.
Learn how aircraft avoid each other using TCAS. How TCAS works and how airline pilots use TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) during flight.
Learn about GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning Systems) - how they work, how they keep aircraft safe, the differences between GPWS and EGPWS, and how pilots use them.
Though ADS-B and ADS-C have similar names they're quite different systems. Learn how both ADS-B and ADS-C work and the 3 important differences between them.
What does the acronym OOOI stand for in aviation and what is it used for by pilots and airlines? Learn how aircraft record and transmit OOOI times.
Learn the 5 main differences between ACARS and CPDLC, how each of them works, who uses them and the advantages and differences of both CPDLC and ACARS
Learn how ACARS (Aircraft Communications and Addressing System) is used by airlines,pilots and aircraft systems during flight-how ACARS works and what it's for.
Learn how aircraft transponders work and how pilots use transponder squawk codes to communicate with Air Traffic Control.
What happens when aircraft run out of fuel? Read survival stories of pilots running out of fuel - the outcomes will surprise you!
What is the purpose of Ram Air Turbines (RATs) in aviation? How do they save aircraft in emergency situations, and what does the RAT do for pilots?
What are ECAM EICAS used for on Airbus and Boeing aircraft? What information do they display and what do pilots get from ECAM and EICAS?
What does an aircraft tech log contain? How do pilots use the technical logbook, and what important information is in it?
What does the term INOP mean? What happens when an aircraft system becomes INOP? And can aircraft even fly with inoperative equipment or instruments?
What the APU is and what it's used for.